Check Short URL

surli: Just works.

What is URL checker?

Our tool checks where exactly the specified short or full link leads to. You received a short URL and you are not sure about the reliability of the source? Our system will check how safe the final link can be. We will also try to display a screenshot and a brief description of the page where the URL leads. With us, you can be sure that you are safe to follow links on the web.

How does a redirect checker work?

Our link and redirect checker works with all known shorteners:,,,,,,,,, and all others. In fact, we can check any shortened or direct link. When you enter the link you want to check, we will follow it and its chain of redirects and capture the final page. After that, our screenshot service will take a screenshot of the site and we will send it back to you along with the page meta tags. This will allow you to get comprehensive information about the final link. What the page looks like and what information is placed there.
In addition, we will inform you about the status of the final link in the Google Safe Browsing security service - which guarantees the safety of the final link from the Google service. We will also report the number of redirects in the chain. Ideally, when clicking on a short link, the link should have 1-2 redirects, but in gray and fraudulent schemes, the chain of redirects can be much larger and include dozens of redirects. This can definitely be a sign of danger.
As a result, you will receive comprehensive information about the final link and will be able to make a decision about following it.

How do I know that a short link is safe?

A short link, even from a well-known shortener, can contain unfortunate cases of fraudulent use. You never fully know what awaits you when you click on a link. How can you be sure you know what awaits you when you click on a short link?
Enter the link in the verification field and you will receive all available information.

Original link
- will tell you what long link is hidden behind the short one, where exactly you will go;

Page screenshot
- allows you to see what the final page looks like without going to it;

Meta tags - useful sites fill in meta tags with full information, while fraudulent sites often ignore it;

Google Safe Browsing - checks for the presence of the final link in Google blacklists

Number of redirects - will indicate how many times our checker was redirected before reaching the final link. The more redirects, the lower the link's rating.