Сustom solution
Max Urls per Account
Limits the number of links, that You can have on your account
Max Shorts per plan period
Number of links that a You can reduce during the plan period
Max Clicks pre Link
Number of transitions will be limited for each link. After this number link will be transferred to `Ads` status
Alias updates
Number of urls aliases updates that can be changed during the plan period
Destination Url updates
Number of urls destination links updates that can be changed during the plan period
UTM builder
Access to UTM builder
Access to domains list
URL password
Access to URL password logic
API tokens
Max count of active api keys per account.
API requests
Max count of api requests per month.
Shorten Links in Bulk
Mass link shortening with a file or a list of links
QR generator
Access to QR generator for your short URLs
Custom redirect page
Set up and style a redirect page for your users
Earn money on links
Earn income from your short links - more traffic, more money
Bio page
Customize your own website, your business card with links and photos
Each truncated link of type surl.li/xxx works by default according to the standard algorithm. After following the link, the service automatically checks the destination URL for security features. If the verification is successful, the visitor will follow the link.
An ad may appear on the page during the review. At the same time the final link remains unchanged and will keep all necessary parameters.
If you have shortened the link and can ensure that the landing page is completely safe for visitors, you can activate direct secure redirect without a verification page When activating the service, the final link will be added to the exception.
When activating "Safe Link", the visitor will be immediately redirected to the final URL after clicking on the short URL. The link is also checked, but the redirect page is missing.