Arizona Senator Introduces a Bill to Make Bitcoin Legal Tender in the State

Joshua Ramos
Source: Forkast

Arizona Senator Wendy Rogers has introduced a bill that would make Bitcoin legal tender in the state. The bill, titled SB 1235, was introduced by the Republican senator in hopes of amending the current list of legal tender within Arizona and adding the popular cryptocurrency.

Additionally, Rogers has introduced a bill that would allow a variety of civil duties to be paid with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, or Bitcoin Cash. The bill, marked SB 1239, would allow state agencies to enter into agreements with cryptocurrency issuers to “provide a method to accept cryptocurrency as a payment method,” the legislation reads. Thus, allowing citizens to use crypto to pay fines, rent, taxes, and more.

Today has seen the actions of Arizona Senator Wendy Rogers once again attempt to make Bitcoin a legal tender in the state. The Republican senator has introduced a bill that would amend the current list of acceptable legal tender in the state, and add prominent crypto to the list.

The bill is titled SB 1235 and is seeking to enact a Chapter 9 amendment on the list of legal tender the state accepts. Moreover, the legislation lists off what qualifies as legal tender within the state, and it adds Bitcoin to that list.

Source: NPR

Furthermore, the bill defines Bitcoin as meaning “the decentralized, peer-to-peer digital currency in which a record of the transaction is maintained on the Bitcoin blockchain and new unites of currency are generated by the computational solution of mathematical problems and that operates independently of a central bank.”

Additionally, Senator Rogers has introduced a bill titled SB 1239, which would allow the payment of various civil duties to be paid in crypto. The bill specifically allows state agencies the chance to enter into agreements with cryptocurrency issuers. Thus, developing a pathway for crypto to become an acceptable method of payment. Specifically, listing Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Bitcoin cash as acceptable cryptocurrency issuers.

Source: Mint

This development follows a similar action taken by Rogers a year ago. Then, the Republican senator enacted a similar amendment, SB 1341, to fulfill the same purpose. Conversely, the United States Constitution Article 1, Section 10, prohibits the creation or issuance of legal tender on the state level. Thus, it is not likely for Rogers’ bill to pass through the Arizona State senate and house.