Models for HRD practice

Citation metadata

Date: Sept. 1989
From: Training & Development Journal(Vol. 43, Issue 9)
Publisher: Association for Talent Development (ATD)
Document Type: Article
Length: 3,122 words

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Abstract :

A two-year research project sponsored by the American Society for Training and Development has developed results and models which can help personnel professionals predict what human resources development (HRD) will be like in the 1990s. Results indicate that work environments will be affected by six areas of change including: increasing pressures; accelerated change; and increasing emphasis on quality and customers. Results also show that the workforce will change: it will be more diverse; it will focus on workers with knowledge skills; and it will focus on new values of involvement. Additionally, results indicate that HRD will alter: breakthroughs are predicted in the way organizations evaluate the impact of human resource-oriented interventions; more sophisticated HRD tools will be available; and systems solutions will be emphasized. People involved with HRD will need a variety of competencies including business competencies; technical competencies; and interpersonal competencies.
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Gale Document Number: GALE|A7695572